Prophistory and Our Ministry

Elisha’s Outcast Eagles’ website is dedicated to following and explaining the ongoing fulfillment of prophecies which in themselves are daily and actively broadcasting the imminent return of Jesus Christ to Earth. This will happen first in order with his appearing in the clouds to call his ‘relatively’ few faithful disciples home, and second, a subsequent but not necessarily immediately following the Rapture, a seven year period which thirdly will immediately follow His bodily return to Earth, when He will defeat and judge both the Antichrist and the World and institute His promised Millennial thousand year reign of love and justice on Earth.

To impart knowledge and encourage faith for this, God has devised a science which we call ‘prophistory’; which is a combining of the words prophecy and history, which the EOE hopes will impart knowledge and wisdom to any soul anywhere on Earth so that they may escape the onslaught of things prophesied in the Bible and find eternal life in God alone.

It is the fulfillment of God’s prophecies which we both follow and note as true and worthy history that will allow us to overcome the perversions of truth that Man and Satan are devising to overwhelm the truth that Christ is the only Savior of Man. Prophistory and its understanding is designed to impart faith to believe that God’s prophecies about the so-called Rapture, the world-wide dictatorship of Antichrist, all things in the World, the Jews, religion, Satan and the Return of Jesus to judge the whole world are more than a sign of His great love and mercy. They are daily in the works, in the process of coming to pass.

These cascading biblical prophetic matters are orchestrated from heaven to show us with dramatic reality that God’s Word is true. He knows the beginning to the very end. This is the time to get our house in order, so we may not only survive, but that we may escape with our eternal soul and enter into eternal life.

Elisha’s Outcast Eagles primary ministry is to inform those who might have a chance to take this seriously, those who have been abused by evils, who are fearful, battered and beaten by life, addicted to harmful things, disheartened and lonely feeling, those who are confused about God, jaded by modern religion and its empty promises, those overwhelmed by the speed of life and confused by the empty claims of false man-devised sciences; to turn their lives over to the living Savior so they can find healing and confidence of peace, who can be given a heart to face life with hope and genuine enthusiasm of joy. Prophistory is the science of prophecy which is the subject matter of the hundreds of pages of Elisha’s Outcast Eagles website…. (read more in Prophistory explained)

The 6 Paradigms of Prophistory

Antichrist: Nimrod is the archetype of Antichrist. He and his family became the first artificial trinity vying with God for power over the earth. He is also the first Antichrist and thereby represents the prototype and fountain of the conspiracy to usurp God’s throne and to become the undisputed sovereign and, by default, the savior of the world and all of mankind. Nimrod is, therefore, the originator and face of the post-Flood rebellion against the sovereignty of God.

World: Since the revolution of technology and knowledge which ramped up two and a half centuries ago and has since reached mach speed in the last three decades, the spirit of Babel has invaded the globe knocking on the door of nuclear powers, third world countries, ancient dynasties in the east and every island on earth. The spirit can stake claim to being the actual religion of the world because it encompasses the continents and the seven seas. Now, thanks to technology, knowledge and speed the World can come together unrestrained as they once did in provincial fashion at the Tower of Babel. It is in the same spirit that Man has decided to pin all his hopes on – his science and intellect. The final objective of this rebellion being to shake off God so Man can rule the world themselves without enduring what they consider to be God’s meddling interference.

Israel: The Hebrew people came into their own as a nation at that time when they were transformed into a sovereign nation all their own, the nation known ever since as Israel.

Through the leadership of Moses and the guidance of God the children of Israel escaped Egypt, eventually settling within the boundaries of the promised land which God had promised to the fore-father Abraham. Moses’ successor, Joshua, led them into the Promised Land around the year 1500 B.C. when the history of Israel as a nation began in earnest. Its history of prophetic happenings can be traced in timeline fashion – including the contemporary prophetic events and matters that are in a state of being fulfilled in these tumultuous last days.

Church: Abraham walked in faith on this earth two millennia before the advent of the Messiah, yet he is the forerunner of those Christians most faithful, which includes those purely faithful ones who have been true to the spirit of the Bride of Christ since Abraham to the present day and up ‘til the appearing of Christ at His Second Coming. His life and calling are clearly the initial prophetic events of the Church, the start of the prophetic paradigm of Church and the prophetic carpet that points the Church to the path of salvation and resurrection. The occurrences, the drama and fulfillments of Church matters, can be recorded in a timeline of its history. Thereby we can walk through Old and New Testament events straight to the last days, up to the rapture of Jesus’ close friends, past the end of things and up to the return of the Lord and Savior which shall usher in a thousand year perfect reign on earth by Jesus the Messiah. Those Hebrews and Christians who lived an Abrahamic faith and became, in simple humility, a friend of God shall reap the greatest rewards…

Phenomena: Noah and his three sons, with their wives, were shut up in a boat while the waters obliterated the offense with all its offending parties; a fitting judgment by an earthly phenomenon upon those who had corrupted the earth. The earth had gotten its revenge, a righteous judgment upon those who were destroying the earth by partaking in a most perverse rebellion. It was the first of judgments under the prophetic paradigm of ‘phenomenon’ that was accomplished to put down a rebellion against God’s work of creation. But God did not leave it at that. He put the second sign of Phenomenon, the rainbow in the sky, to reassure us that He would never totally destroy the seed of Adam, but that we could have hope that He will redeem it and provide eternal life for the faithful who believe.

Travel and Knowledge: And though at the end, knowledge would so increase, and travel would grow to an unimaginable lightning pace, so that Man would once again embark on a full-out rebellion of mismanagement of knowledge to compete against God for lordship over the earth, God’s Word still holds true. His correct and right appropriation of the power of knowledge must and will win out. As it says in the book of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 10: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Invitation Section

We invite you to let Christ become your God. This is not an invitation to religion, but an invitation to a direct relationship with God Himself – to give your heart and soul to “The Man” – the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ.

The sum and substance of this invitation might be declared in the following simple terms: God asked of his supposed friends to put away their own agendas and accept his gracious invitation to come to him and his son to be counted among family and friends as his plan of salvation for mankind comes to its dynamic and celebratory conclusion.

In this declaration of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the invitation is extended to the wayfarers of the end times just before the return of Jesus. Because those who claimed to be his family and friends have shunned his heartfelt appeal to come to him and joyously honor his son with their presence, the bridegroom’s father is angry. Livid is not too strong a word. In this parable told by Jesus (Luke 14), the Father’s first requisite is to fill the hall on His son’s wedding day with people that actually love His son with a simple true love, not as his supposed friends who had a fickle love, but as people formerly estranged, but showing up with soul and heart, people that would love him and his generous father and appreciate being allowed to partake of their feast of life.along with the son’s bride.

He is looking to find people who will be willing to do as he suggests, to do the simple things he asks; for they will understand that He is not a tyrant, but as a good and kind father he is for their welfare and health, and ultimately will give them eternal life with happiness in a place where the second death will never be able to conquer them. Rev. 2:11 & Rev. 20:6 KJV 

This includes becoming a complete and perfect man in Christ Jesus.

The Seduction

The three realms and voices of sin in a person, when not overcome by Christ, makes one a person continually available for Antichrist use and will lead to the destruction of a soul. The Antichrist spirit counts on sin being sown in man. These voices of sin dictate our actions, they are the effective go-betweens that mortgage our soul and give Satan ownership of our immortal spirit. This reality of sin in a person ensures that they will share his fate. These influences have powerful voices (The Flesh, The World and The Demonic), unrelenting in their persuasion and doctrines. Each has a different doctrine, a separate field of influence and a dark and high dais from which its preaching may be heard in our soul. Each has a source and an elaborate sound system of its own, uniquely spiritual and entirely its own style. Each voice communes with the subject in a personal way. We all come to hear and obey, though we may not give the voices names or identify them exactly the moment they are speaking to our heart, but they make themselves known and heard, often in a subconscious sort of way. But this should not make us believe they are not extremely effective in their power to persuade. This trio of sin comprises the original wireless system, always present and constantly broadcasting across or through any earthly material substance: stone brick, iron, clay, lead, water, flesh, and blood – you name it. They are broadcast in ‘sound waves’ (if you will) audible to the spiritual ear, but audible nonetheless, make no mistake. They work in conjunction under Satanic urgings to advance the cause of the Antichrist spirit in the heart and soul of every man, woman, and child. A brief introductory discussion of the three voices of sin is provided in the Seduction Section.